Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Can you hear me now?!

Writing Clearly can make or break the biggest day of your life. When writing for a profession or simply a not to a friend it is vital that the reader can understand you. Most writers assume to write as they speak, but that is not always the best way to go since many people do not speak with correct grammar. Avoiding slang, run on sentences, vagueness, and repeating yourself is the safest way for your readers to understand what you have written. It is best to start off organized and write with paragraphs to space out the writing. Always re-read/revise your work, if you have the ability to let someone else read it over for you that is the best revision, since they are taking on the role of the intended reader. All in all it is best to understand the task at hand, put your ideas in order, write full and direct sentences, and keep the facts and opinions separate. With these tips in mind you are now on your way to writing clearly and successfully.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Joshua K Collaborative writing is key to success.

Hello everyone, for some reason I could not get the toondoo link to save on this page. So I saved it as a picture.

Collaborative writing is a group of two or more people that work on a paper or a piece of writing together. As you can see here, we have two guys at the office working together to create a perfect paper. One will take the outline for the writing piece, and than the other will piece together the draft. Than, with revision one will write the final piece as the other puts together other elements of the piece of writing to make the project great.

Don’t want to make a fool out of yourself? Well than learn how to create and deliver effective presentations.

Presenting anything in front of a crowd can be overwhelming but if you just remember a few key points you should be fine. These points are both for public speakers and making visuals like power points.

-First know your audience and try to direct your dialect to sound intriguing to that specific group.

-Next know what you’re talking about. Do research about your topic and make sure you keep it in craniological order.

-Try to look confident and do not fidget while you are up in front of a crowd.

-Make sure to talk loud and clearly, Using pauses and enfaces to show what’s more important or interesting.

-Keep visuals clean and easy to read. Don’t clutter with lots of works, use big font and only a few short sentences on each slide.

-After you have done the introduction and the body always follow it up with a strong closing. Recite what you just went over and leave the audience really thinking about the main point you were trying to make. And end with an up to date work cited.

Anthony A's Darn Good Tips on Writing A Resume

First of all, a resume is a document that outlines all of your past job experiences, education, and even some of your achievements. It can be a very useful tool in getting yourself an interview with a future employer. Below I have listed a few tips on how to write a resume and I also included a YouTube video for you.

· Incorporate a strong heading that will make your name stand out.

· Write a nice and concise job objective statement.

· Show your strengths through past work history and achievements.

· Do not include past salaries or reference information.

· Make sure there is a clear order to your resume.

Work Cited: http://www.bestresumewriting.com/

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Donald M Writing a Press Release

Writing a Media Release
This a very simple and important steps that should be followed when writing a press release. Press Releases are very popular and you should know the basics when writing one


Marcus L's Status Updates aren't just for Facebook

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The Best Way to Format a Business Letter- By: Colton Evans

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Brittany Hinsberg - A Day At The Office

Fellow Bloggers-

For some reason I could not get my toondoo to show up when I copied the code so I saved the toon to my computer and uploaded as an image. Just click on it and the words become clear! I am so sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you,
Brittany Hinsberg

Monday, April 19, 2010

Joshua K Thank you letters open a window for the future

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Colton Evans Business Writing Article

The article I reviewed shared these five tips on how to have successful business writing.
Tip #1: Have a complete understanding of the business you're in, the product and services you offer, and don't over sell and underachieve your readers!

Tip #2: Don't get business article writing mixed up with a press release!

Tip #3: Find out who your readers are, and write your article in their language!

Tip #4: Once you have written the perfect article, now you want to know how to reach your targeted readers!

Tip #5: Your Author Bio can make or break the goal of your article!

The article is very helpful and shares a great amount of information for the reader on how to become a more successful writer for business.

Bretta J. Job interviews are nerve racking. But not with these tips

Job Interview Tips

Hello to all!!! Emailing effectively from Leah Johnson

Here are 10 simple steps to writing an effective email...

Step 1: Writing a meaningful subject line
- Accurately describe the content
Step 2: Keep the message focused and readable
- Use standard capitalization and spelling
- Skip lines between paragraphs
- Avoid fancy type faces
Step 3: Avoid attachments
Step 4: Identify yourself clearly
- Name, occupation, and identification information should be in the first few lines
Step 5: Be kind
Step 6: Proofread
- Make your message look professional
Step 7: Don't assume privacy
- Don't send anything over e-mail that you wouldn't want posted for everyone to read.
Step 8: Distinguish between formal and informal situations
Step 9: Respond promptly
Step 10: Show respect and restraint

With these steps you can confidently and successfully email everyone from a friends to your head executive boss.

Anthony A How The Heck Do I Get This Online?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Leah's Guidelines for writing technical instructions!

I have listed below some of the most common ways to successfully write technical instructions.

The step by step instructions such as, assemble something, operate something, repair something, or doing routine maintenance on something; are the most common topics to write technical instructions for and below are the key items to doing so...
  • Clear, simple writing
  • A thorough understanding of the procedure in all its technical detail
  • Your ability to put yourself in the place of the reader, the person trying to use your instructions
  • Your ability to visualize the procedure in great detail and to capture that awareness on paper
  • Finally, your willingness to go that extra distance and test your instructions on the kind of person you wrote them for.

Marcus L's Black Tie Reports

Black tie reports, or formal reports, are used to present information in a formal way. I have found that the most common uses for formal report writing in business are for presenting results for a study; a design, plan, or proposal; or any other information that need to be formally presented to two or more parties.

Throughout my education, I have learned that formal reports normally contain a summary, an introduction, the discussion, the conclusion, recommendations, and an appendix. You should organize your report in this manner and make it easy for the reader to skim through.

When writing a formal business report, always consider who, what, when, where, how, why and use the answers to these questions to determine what information to give and how to present it. Be sure to consider your audience and use the level of language and detail best understood by them. Ask yourself what your readers will expect and how much your readers already understand.

This video explains more on formal report writing.

Donald M Grabbing the Readers Attention

This You Tube video is a great example in writing a professional and persuasive business letter. The main man speaking insists on being creative and not making your paper boring. It starts with creating an intriguing headline to grab the reader’s attention. Your job is to ask the reader “what are you getting out of this”. This means you want to make the reader feel special and want them to know the positive outcome of the proposition. Being unique is very important. You do not want your business letter to look exactly like everyone else. Whether it is the style in which you present your information or it is your layout and technique you should create one that catches the eye and is interesting. Make sure you have a very well written introduction, to grab the reader’s attention, and conclusion, to keep the idea in their mind. Last, you should be clear on what your objective and goals are in writing a persuasive essay. As long as you present your idea in a well organized matter you will have success in writing a persuasive business letter.

Joshua K Proper Personal Business Writing makes communication easier.

Bretta J. Nobody wants to be a cheater so don't plagiarize!

Colton Evans Tips for Writing Concisely

Anthony A's Tips for Problem Solving Through Your Writing

I have to write business documents all the time for my boss. They usually include problem solving analysis for marketing and management operations. Here are a few simple steps that I try to follow when I write such documents.

Step 1: Identify the problem you are writing about.

Step 2: Do research on the problem. Figure out certain data and statistics that help define why your problem is a problem.

Step 3: Define an attainable goal at which you can set as an objective.

Step 4: Explain how you plan on implementing this new goal. Certain actions or roads you will be taking.

Step 5: Evaluate. Sometimes there might be a gap between step 4 and 5.

Monday, April 5, 2010

CJ Evans- Clueing in on contracts

Contracts are very important for business as well anything from renting a car to buying a home. When writing a contract you are focused on customer satisfaction when presenting the consumer with a good or service. A contract states what you are going to do or provide the consumer with. Contracts build relationships between people and they help protect both parties from any confusion. If you breach your contract then you will have to face consequences which will be stated in your contract. An example of this would be when you get your cell phone bill at the end of the month and it says that you have overages on your minutes. In your contract it states the allowed minutes for the month, now that you have gone over you will have to pay a fine. So when writing a contract keep in mind that what you are agreeing to is obtainable on your part.


Bretta J. What do you want your first impression to be?

Marcus L's Benefits of Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging

This Just In!!! Analyzing your readers will help entertain your readers!

When writing or presenting information to an audience it is vital that you analyze what type of audience it is in order for them to understand and be interested in what you are writing. There are four main types of audiences the Experts who know the product at hand inside and out, the technicians who build, operate, maintain, and repair the product, executives who make business, political, legal, and government decisions on the product, and the nonspecialists who mainly need to use or gain some type of advantage from the product. You must also understand the background knowledge, experience, and training of the readers. Along with needs and interest, as well as demographic characteristics. When writing anything you must first realize who will be reading the information, you would not want to write about taxes and political news for and underage crowd. Always have the interest in your audience in your mind when putting together information and you will get your point across the audience a lot easier.

Anthony A's Inside Information on becoming A Professional Writing Consultant

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Donald M letter of resignation

This is a very humorous ToonDoo clip in explaining the letter of resignation process. This comic shows former President Nixon giving his resignation speech. The humor is that he said "I am resigning my position as the President of the United States", then in the cloud above his head reads "Man I've been caught". In essence he is not expressing his true feelings why he is resigning.
A letter of resignation should be professional and state your reason for resigning. You should include the date, the company name, your boss' name, and your signature. You should also include that you are grateful for what the company has meant to you and it is okay to say you have accepted a job at another company. These are very simple and important steps in writing a letter of resignation.

Joshua K Team Projects build character for the Future.

Team Projects are very useful in the business world. According to dictionary.com, a team is "an interdependent collection of individuals who work together towards a common goal and who share responsibility for specific outcomes of their organizations." There are several aspects of Team Projects that will help build a great business workforce, and ultimately being successful.

Typically in a team project, there is a project leader and several other employees that fulfill the assignments cast out by the project leader. A project leader will put together a team of employees or students that they believe can get the work done. Through this, they pick people that they believe they can trust to get the job done correctly and on time. While gaining trust within one another, a team project also creates bonding within the workforce. Team projects spend countless hours together, further allowing each other to bond. With a team that bonds, like any team, creates chemistry that later leads to success.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Brittany H- How do you use ethics?

When writing reports, be it for a new business venture or just a daily report of your employees, it is always important to check the way you write. Using spell check, the dictionary, and Google are all helpful tools to make sure you have the right information and are using the right words (spelling them correctly is also a plus!). In addition to, it is extremely important to use ethics in your writing. This means that when you use a statistic, copy and paste a quote you find on the Internet, or even rewrite a line out of a famous book, you must cite the author. Citing your sources is ethical in many ways but most importantly it gives credit to the author for what he/or she accomplished. It is also important to cite our sources, because if we don’t that is considered plagiarism, which is not only unethical but also punishable amongst most companies.

image from: http://www.software.co.il/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/ethics.jpg

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Joshua K Writing Effective Meeting Minutes saves you time.

Knowing how to write effective meeting minutes is a very important communication skill in a business. "Minutes" are basic points made and that come about during a meeting. During a meeting, there are points that may come about that need to be remembered, or activities that are assigned to a person to follow out; and many hours are lost trying to re-assemble on who agreed what to do.
In a meeting, there is usually a "minute taker", who has the job of writing down the important fact throughout the meeting, and when the fact was said during the meeting. Usually a secretary has the job as a minute taker, so "you" can interact in the meeting effectively.
Throughout a meeting, there may be a formal or informal meeting minutes. A formal meeting minute is governed by company policy and may be used as a legal document to prove what was said, and when it was said during the meeting. Writing effective meeting minutes is an organizational strategy that keeps a business out of an state of confusion and keeps a business intact after a meeting.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Brittany Hinsberg Voki Post

Donald M Designing Visuals .

This YouTube video does a great job in helping you design visuals for your everyday projects. There are many situations in business were visuals are appropriate and this video helps explain and teach how to create your own visual. The program used is Microsoft Expression Design 2, and this is a great program with an abundance of tools that can be used to design your own visuals. This program takes you through basic steps in designing your visual that will get the best results. The first step the video takes you through is deciding what size you would like to make your image. You can choose on resolution and overall sizes as well. Next, there are many side tools that assist in designing your image, you can choose from straight lines to a scurvy line that curves as your draw an image. After designing your basic outline of your image, you are presenting a side bar to choose specific colors to make your object. There are many editing tools and effects to add to your image when completed to enhance its looks. This is a great program to use if you would like to someday create a company logo or a business letter to represent to other people.

Donald M Designing Visuals

This YouTube video does a great job in helping you design visuals for your everyday projects. There are many situations in business were visuals are appropriate and this video helps explain and teach how to create your own visual. The program used is Microsoft Expression Design 2, and this is a great program with an abundance of tools that can be used to design your own visuals. This program takes you through basic steps in designing your visual that will get the best results. The first step the video takes you through is deciding what size you would like to make your image. You can choose on resolution and overall sizes as well. Next, there are many side tools that assist in designing your image, you can choose from straight lines to a scurvy line that curves as your draw an image. After designing your basic outline of your image, you are presenting a side bar to choose specific colors to make your object. There are many editing tools and effects to add to your image when completed to enhance its looks. This is a great program to use if you would like to someday create a company logo or a business letter to represent to other people.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Marcus L's Collaboration With Wikis

If you are looking for an easy way to collaborate documents or need to plan or confer amongst a group of people, a wiki is a good tool to use. A wiki is a website that allows anyone who has access to the site to edit the information the site contains along with any information on interlinked web pages. This is done through the web browser via a text editor. Wikis are often used in creating collaborative web sites, personal note taking, in corporate intranets, and in knowledge management systems. (Wikipedia)

I believe a wiki is a good tool to use to discuss or create documents if multiple people are in different locations and cannot easily meet. A wiki is better than multiple emails or conference calls because the information is contained in one central location. Any changes that are made can be viewed by all as soon as the page is saved.

The most famous wiki has become Wikipedia. However for the workplace, wiki's can be created through Twiki.org and TikiWiki among others.

The following video I have found on YouTube explains how a wiki works and how effective a wiki can be.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Team Name

I think that our team name should involve something with FGCU but I don't like the eagles part. Maybe we should mention something about our involvement in the business field/major.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Team Name

I think our team name should be FGCU Eagles, what does everyone else think?