Monday, April 5, 2010

This Just In!!! Analyzing your readers will help entertain your readers!

When writing or presenting information to an audience it is vital that you analyze what type of audience it is in order for them to understand and be interested in what you are writing. There are four main types of audiences the Experts who know the product at hand inside and out, the technicians who build, operate, maintain, and repair the product, executives who make business, political, legal, and government decisions on the product, and the nonspecialists who mainly need to use or gain some type of advantage from the product. You must also understand the background knowledge, experience, and training of the readers. Along with needs and interest, as well as demographic characteristics. When writing anything you must first realize who will be reading the information, you would not want to write about taxes and political news for and underage crowd. Always have the interest in your audience in your mind when putting together information and you will get your point across the audience a lot easier.


  1. I like the title, its catchy!

  2. It is always important to consider the audience when presenting any information. The possibilities are endless as for the different types of audience you may have. Good job explaining this!

  3. Good topic. Important to know who your audience is when presenting information. A lot of different areas go into understanding your audience, you explained all parts very well.

  4. I like your catchy title, too, but you need to include a graphic and use more "I" in your posts.

  5. Great title!! Missed your graphic. Nice work!
