Sunday, April 11, 2010

Professional Writing Conferences- B Hinsberg


  1. Goodjob on describing what they are.
    I also enjoyed your powerpoint, good use of pictures!

  2. You did a great job on this powerpoint. And I also liked your use of the pictures inside the powerpoint.

  3. You did a great job on this presentation. You gave background on what a professional writing conference is, as well as giving an example,i.e the Purdue ATTW conference. Also, listing the links of refernce as your means of creditibilty. Great job.

  4. Very good job, this looks great. I love the format you presented your information with, It is very easy to follow and understand. Listing the references was a great add.

  5. Good Powerpoint! I never would have thought to go to a professional writing conference. I am going to check out that site.

  6. Nice powerpoint! Awesome that you added the url to find more info on writing conferences!

  7. I agree with Nadja that your ppt was awesome with the link to info on writing conferences. I loved the visuals on the slides.
