Step 1: Writing a meaningful subject line
- Accurately describe the content
Step 2: Keep the message focused and readable
- Use standard capitalization and spelling
- Skip lines between paragraphs
- Avoid fancy type faces
Step 3: Avoid attachments
Step 4: Identify yourself clearly
- Name, occupation, and identification information should be in the first few lines
Step 5: Be kind
Step 6: Proofread
- Make your message look professional
Step 7: Don't assume privacy
- Don't send anything over e-mail that you wouldn't want posted for everyone to read.
Step 8: Distinguish between formal and informal situations
Step 9: Respond promptly
Step 10: Show respect and restraint
With these steps you can confidently and successfully email everyone from a friends to your head executive boss.
Fantastic, very easy to understand and follow, I enjoyed reading this a lot.
ReplyDeleteA very well thought out process. Goodjob on the detail or descriptions describing the steps.
ReplyDeleteGood job. It is very detailed and easy to follow the steps when I go to email someone professionally.
ReplyDeleteYou did a awesome job listing the steps on effective emails. The fact that you actually did list the steps made it a lot easier on the eyes of the reader, and made it easier to comprehend on what steps go in order. Great job.
ReplyDeleteVery informative post. I really enjoyed reading this and plan on using some of these tips in the future!!
ReplyDeleterefer to my email in Angel.....
ReplyDeleteGreat tips on writing an effective email, although I missed your graphic/youtube? Good work.