Sunday, March 28, 2010

Marcus L's Collaboration With Wikis

If you are looking for an easy way to collaborate documents or need to plan or confer amongst a group of people, a wiki is a good tool to use. A wiki is a website that allows anyone who has access to the site to edit the information the site contains along with any information on interlinked web pages. This is done through the web browser via a text editor. Wikis are often used in creating collaborative web sites, personal note taking, in corporate intranets, and in knowledge management systems. (Wikipedia)

I believe a wiki is a good tool to use to discuss or create documents if multiple people are in different locations and cannot easily meet. A wiki is better than multiple emails or conference calls because the information is contained in one central location. Any changes that are made can be viewed by all as soon as the page is saved.

The most famous wiki has become Wikipedia. However for the workplace, wiki's can be created through and TikiWiki among others.

The following video I have found on YouTube explains how a wiki works and how effective a wiki can be.

1 comment:

  1. I found this very useful. I actually had no clue that wikis worked in this way, and after watching the video (that was very entertaining) I won't be as confused on how wikis work, along with I am now able to share important information with others by using a wiki. You did a great job conveying useful information about wikis.
